May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

Turtle-Pac to showcase innovative exhibits at HeliRussia 2017

Less than two months are left before the opening of the 10th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2017. Along with the growing number of participants, more and more interesting exhibits are announced which will be available to see from 25 to 27 May at Crocus Expo IEC in Moscow. For example, the Australian company Turtle-Pac will present its innovative products at HeliRussia 2017.

Turtle-Pac will show three of its products. First of them is the DROP DRUM 205, a fuel tank designed for airdrop. It can be dropped without a parachute from a helicopter or airplane if its speed does not exceed 130 km/h (70 knots) from a height of not more than 15 meters (50 ft). In other conditions a high velocity parachute drop is recommended, it also provides fast and accurate delivery. The DROP DRUM 205 can be filled with jet or diesel fuel or water. It contains 205 liters of liquid.

Of course, one of the most recognized Turtle-Pac products are the AIR CARGO TANKS, produced since 1991. Samples of such products can also be seen on HeliRussia 2017. The main advantage of this product is its practicality – the double construction collapsible tanks offer helicopter and fixed wing aircrafts a two-way revenue earning capacity. Once tanks rolled out of fuselage or emptied, the aircraft can carry additional passengers or cargo. AIR CARGO TANKS capacity is up to 2000 liters (529 gallons) of fuel, they are widely used in remote regions of Australia, Colombia, Canada, Russia, as well as in Alaska (USA), Africa, Papua New Guinea and Antarctica.

Another interesting exhibit from Turtle-Pac is the COLLAPSIBLE FERRY TANKS designed to hold from 40 to 2000 liters of fuel (10.5 to 529 gallons). This lightest and safest long range tanks can be installed virtually on all helicopters, starting with Robinson R22. The use of such auxiliary fuel tanks provides the aircraft with increased coast-efficient flight distance. COLLAPSIBLE FERRY TANKS are about 5 times as strong as metal ferry tanks, and they can be installed and removed in a matter of minutes.

Turtle-Pac products are in high demand all over the world due to their practicality, functionality, safety and cost-efficiency. Russian helicopter operators may be interested in Turtle-Pac products due to the need to make long-range flights without refueling and need to fuel supply the aircraft in remote areas.

Contact details:

Tel. no.: + 7 (495) 926-60-66 and + 7 (495) 228-14-41


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