May 15 - 17

Aleksander Neradko, Head of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency

The organizers, participants and guests of the XII International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2019

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the Federal Air Transport Agency and on my own, I welcome you to the XII International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2019.

In course of the expo, HeliRussia has confidently become one of the world’s leading aviation events, established itself as one of the key spots of professional community’s communication. The expo actually contributes to the smooth business and state development, to the international cooperation, to perfecting functions and processes in Russian helicopter aviation.

Held annually, the expo allows to monitor the situation in the domestic and global helicopter industry – to follow the innovations, study promising technologies, to learn about of operating companiesindicators, and to improve aviation legislation. The expo also plays an important role in improvement of the flight safety.

Im confident that HeliRussia will help to strengthen positions of Russian manufacturers both on the domestic and international markets and will help to launch numerous promising projects.

I wish successful and productive work to the organizers, participants and guests of the XII International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia.

Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency

Alexander Neradko


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