May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

Discussion “Financial instruments for helicopter sector”

September, 15, 2020.

Crocus Expo, conference hall «G»


The development of the Russian helicopter industry is a priority for the state. Investments in aviation lead to new innovative developments and technological growth, and support the competitiveness of domestic industrial production.

Economic issues play a key role in assessing the development potential and investment effectiveness. Especially at the moment, since aviation is the most affected industry in the crisis.

The main issues of the discussion:

• How does the crisis affected the economy of the industry and its participants.

• Effectiveness of anti-crisis measures and potential for financing the industry.

• Do we need government support for the industry or do we need to strengthen the competitive component.

• Does digitalization offer the industry new approaches to the management.

• Supply and demand. Is it possible to reach a balance?

• What tools can improve the efficiency of the industry.

The participants of the discussion will exchange views and try to form a vision about the tools and measures of mutual economic behaviour that will help strengthen the industry.


Natalia Trofimova, Director for strategy and development of the aviation holding
«RVS-holding» LLC.


Dmitry Lysogorsky, Director of the aviation industry Department of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation.
Roman Petrutsa, Director of the industrial development Fund.
Maxim Agadzhanov, CEO «Gazprombank Leasing» JSC.
Daniil Algulian, Deputy Chairman of VEB of the Russian Federation, State development Corporation.
Roman Pakhomov, CEO «Aviacapital-Service» LLC.
Oleg Ena, head of the Project office of the Federal Institute of industrial property.
Anton Korolev, Deputy General Director for aviation of the State transport leasing company.
Ilia Kabachnik, Deputy General Director for aviation insurance of Alfa Insurance JSC.
Pavel Piskun, Director of the Department for work with major clients of Sberbank Leasing JSC.


The role and participation of the state in the effective development of the industry

Trends, dimensions and role of state support for the helicopter industry.

Project financing and support opportunities

About tools and conditions for financing projects aimed at developing new high-tech products, import substitution, export, equipment leasing, digitalization of existing production facilities, production of components and improving labor productivity.

Leasing as an effective tool for attracting investment in the development of the helicopter industry

About the key trends in the leasing market and drivers of growth of demand for helicopter equipment.

Investments in major projects and export support

How the financing of national projects affects the investment activity of industries, including helicopter. Experience in project financing and key tools for financing export oriented investment projects.

Digital solutions as a tool for improving the efficiency of intra-industry interaction

How the introduction of new technologies allows take into account and analyze operational and financial and economic data. Introduction of a unified information platform as an element of cost reduction and optimization of production processes in the helicopter industry.

The tools of strategic management of innovative activity

How to improve the quality of innovative development programs, identify and ensure the achievement of technological priorities and key innovations of companies at the system level, and effectively plan and manage the R & D portfolio.

Government support and competition: balance of relationships

The components of the efficiency of airlines. What conditions will lead to the development of air transport and infrastructure.



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