May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

Exhibitors of Helirussia 2013

Company Company profile
4Rotors Magazine
558 Aircraft Repair Plant, JSC Aircraft equipment repair & upgrade
AEGE-AERO, LLC Delivery & service maintenance of airfield equipment
Aeropribor-Voskhod, JSC Aviation equipment design & manufacture
Aerospace Courier Magazine
Aerospace Review Magazine
AEROSVET Lighting equipment
AgustaWestland Design & manufacture of helicopters
Air Transport Observer Magazine
AirRescue Magazine
Alfa Air Agency Freight forwarding company
ALTITUDES Russia Magazine
Ankol Aicraft and helicopter bearings
ARMS TASS Information agency
AVD systems & technologies, LLC Electronic equipment supplier
Avia-FED-Service, LLC Maintenance, repair & manufacture of aircraft parts and components
Aviaagregat, JSC Racks manufacturer
Aviacijos Pasaulis Magazine
Aviaglobus Internet Magazine
AVIAHELP GROUP, CJSC Spares supply and maintenance, ground support equipment and spares supply
Aviakom LLC, Research & Production Enterprise Aviation equipment design & manufacture
Aviapanorama Magazine
AviaPort Internet portal
Aviasoyz Magazine
Aviation and Sport Magazine
Aviation Equipment Concern, JSC Design & manufacture of aircraft systems and components
Aviatrisa Women Pilots Union
Avionica, JSC Airborne instrument-making
Bee Pitron Electric, CJSC Advanced engineering solutions
Bell Helicopter Helicopter Manufacturer
BETA AIR, CJSC Manufacture of test equipment
Breeze-Eastern Corporation Rescue Hoists, Cargo Winch, Tie Downs
Business FM Business radio
CAE Training & Simulation
Aviation systems, pattern recognition and tracking, secure communications, test systems and service
Cetus Group, LLC Sale of Aviation Spare Parts & Pilot Accessories
Company PVR, LLC Manufacture of ground power units
Design bureau JSC “Electroprivod” Designing enterprise of aviation electrotechnical equipment
Dinamika, Center of scientific and technical service Development & manufacture of simulators
ELECTROSIGNAL Corporation Design and manufacture of radio communacators
ELSY, JSC Developer and supplier of electronic equipment
Equinet, LLC Aircraft equipment manufacturer and supplier
ETC-construction systems, LLC Hangar doors for airports
Eurocopter Vostok Helicopter sales and maintenance
Exclases Holdings Ltd. Distributor of AgustaWestland in Russia & CIS
Exprimo Translating company
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Centre of Aeronautical Information (FSUE «CAI») Aeronautical information products and services
Federation of Helicopter Sport of Russia Helicopter Sport
Ford Aerospace LTD
Gidravlika UAP JSC Комплекс услуг по техническому обслуживанию авиатехники.
Gidroagregat JSC
Gorky Plant of Communication Equipment n.a. A.S.Popov, JSC Design & manufacture of ground and airborne aviation radio communication equipment
GosNIIAS, State Research Institute Civil Aviation Avionics
H+S Aviation Maintenance repair & overhaul services
HALTEC Company Delivery of tools,tooling systems,equipment & engineering work
Heliatica, LLC Distribution of helicopter equipment and services
Helicopter Association International Association
Helicopter Europe Magazine
Helicopter Industry Magazine
Helicopter Industry Association Association
HeliExpress, JSC Passenger transport service
HELISOTA, LLC Technical maintenance, overhaul and upgrade facility for Mi-8/17 helicopters
Independent Military Review Newspaper
Industrial Automatics Design Bureau, JSC Automatic navigation & flight control systems
Ingosstrakh,JSC Insurance company
INILAB, LLC Solutions and equipment for heliports and airports
INTERFAX-AVN Military News Agency
ISET Plant, JSC Design and manufacture of electrical connectors for aviation and space industries
ITP Group Engine Maintenance, Repair & Overhall Services
Ivchenko Progress State Enterprise Design,manufacture,test and development of APU and aircraft engines
Jet Transfer Bell Helicopter representative in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine
John Douglas Club, LLC Sales of Aviation wear and accessories
Kamatics RWG KFLEX Driveshafts – selflubricated bearings
Kamov, JSC Helicopter design and manufacture
Klimov Company Design & manufacture of gas turbines
KMZ «ZENIT», JSC Optical and electro-optical engineering
Kontur-NIIRS, LLC Design & manufacture of airborne and ground radars
Kursk Pribor, JSC Airborne instrument-making
Maintenance, repairs, modernization and general overhauls of Mi-type helicopters and its components
MDAeroGroup, LLC Sales & maintenance of helicopters
Merlinhawk Aerospace
Micropribor Scientific research Institute Design & manufacture of aircraft systems and components
Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, JSC Helicopter design and manufacture
Military & Industry Courier Magazine
Military Parade Magazine
Modernisation of Aviation Complexes , LLC Development & manufacture of aviation simulators
Motor Sich, JSC Aircraft engines design & manufacture
National Defence Magazine
Nauka Research-and-production association, OJSC Producer of aircraft, helicopter and spacecraft life support systems
NEBO- Service,LLC Spare parts, avionics sales
NELK Company, Research & Production Center
Unmanned systems, equipment for information protection, automated radio control systems
New Defence Order. Strategy Magazine
NITA Company, LLC Airport equipment
Novikombank, OJSC Commercial bank
OPK OBORONPROM, JSC Machinebuilding/Aircraftbuilding
Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant, PLC Aircraft and equipment repair
Pall Corporation High-tech filtration & separation solutions
PANH, JSC Air company
Patria Helicopters Helicopter Maintenance
Pergam-Engineering, JSC Delivery of diagnostic and industrial equipment
Pilot TV Internet Television
PMZ Voskhod, JSC Development and manufacture of electro-hydraulic actuators and equipment
Polyot JSC, Research & Production Enterprise Aviation radio equipment
Pribor Reseach & Production Association, JSC Airborne instrument-making
PRIMA LLC, Research & Production Enterprise Design & production of aeronautical radio communication equipment
RAMENSKOYE DESIGN COMPANY, JSC Aviation equipment design & manufacture
Respirator, JSC Designer and manufacturer of oxygen-breathing apparatus.
Rockwell Collins Avionics and board equipment
Rosoboronexport, State Corporation Authorized supplier of defense-related & dual-use products, technologies , services
Rostvertol, JSC Helicopter design and manufacture
Rotor&Wing Magazine
Russian Helicopter Systems, CJSC Helicopter sales, service and operation
Russian Helicopters, JSC Manufacture of helicopters
Russian Insurance Centre, Insurance Open Joint-Stock Company Insurance Company
Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise, JSC Helicopter Avionics
Sarapul Electric Generators, JSC Production of aviation and helicopter equipment, generators and lighting engineering
Science & Technics Magazine
Scientific research institute of parachute design and production, Federal state unitary enterprise Parachute design and production
Selex ES S.p.A
Show Observer Helirussia Magazine
Signal Engels Design Bureau named after A.I.Glukharev, JSC Design and manufacture of instruments for airspace industry
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Design & manufacture of helicopters
Simplex Aerospace Helicopter Mission Equipment
Sirius-TM Transport review
SKF, LLC Sale of Aviation Spare Parts
SkyTrac Systems Ltd. SatCom solutions for data, text and voice communications
SNK+, LLC Aviation equipment and matherials
Soyuzavia, LLC Delivery of spare parts, aircraft sales and leasing
Special Economic Zones, JSC. Branch in Ulyanovsk Area Airport Special Economic Zone
Sprung Instant Structures prefabricated hangars for aircraft
Standard Aero
STAR, JSC Development and production of automated control systems for gas turbine engines
Take-off Magazine
Technoavia Special garments production & sales
TekKnow, CJSC Metrology and controlling&measuring equipment supply
TEPLOOBMENNIK JSC PDC Aeronautical components
Trace Worldwide Corporation
Representation for aviation manufacturers, export management,engineering,technical services for aviation products
TRANSAS (TRANsport Safety Systems), CJSC Avionics, simulators
Turbomeca Safran Group Design & manufacture of gas turbines
Ufa Instrument-Making Production Association, FSUE Autopilots, Automatic Control Systems, Flight control complexes
Ulan-Ude Aircraft Repair Plant, JSC Certified repair & maintenance of Mi-8 helicopters
Ulyanovsk Instrument Manufacturing Design Bureau, PJSC Airborne instrument-making
United Engine Corporation, JSC Design & manufacture of turbine engines
United experts group
United Rotorcraft – An Air Methods Division Air Medical Transport Equipment
Ural Instrument-Engineering Plant, JSC Gyroscopic Aircraft Instruments and Equipment
Ural Optical & Mechanical Plant Development & manufacture of optronic equipment for military & civil applications
URALHELICOM Helicopters sales & maintenance, technical training
UTair Aviation, JSC Passenger transportations, helicopter operations
UTair-Engineering, JSC Aircraft repair and maintenance
Utyos, JSC Avionics and board equipment
Vertical De Aviacion SAS Operation & overhaul of MI-8 type helicopters
Vertolet Magazine
VNIIRA-NAVIGATOR, CJSC Designer of landing, navigation and flight control equipment
Vzlet Research & Production Association, CJSC Air company
Znamya Moscow Engineering Plant OJSC Manufacture of units and accessories for the aviation and ground equipment
Zodiac Data Systems
Zvezda, JSC named after Academician G.I. Severin Aviaspace
Industry media partners