15 - 17 мая
МВЦ "Крокус Экспо", Павильон 1

Post-release HeliRussia 2014

Results of the HeliRussia 2014 exhibition: opening of the first city helipads in Moscow, participation of the Ukrainian Motor Sich, premier of a Turbomeca engine, new avionics for the future high-speed helicopter from KRET, results of the business program, Helicopter Industry Association Award winners and other key events.

This year, the HeliRussia exhibition gathered 212 companies from 20 countries of the world, providing services in the sphere of production, development and operation of helicopters, helicopter technology and air and ground-based equipment. 165 of them were Russian and 47 from abroad (in 2013, there were 40 foreign companies). On an area of 13,850 square meters, there were 21 Russian and foreign helicopters. In just 3 days, the exhibition was attended by more than 10,000 people, and there were more than 40 events in the framework of the business program. More than 350 representatives of the Russian and foreign mass media were accredited at the exhibition.

The exhibition was opened by the presidential aide of the Russian Federation for issues of military and technical cooperation, Vladimir Kozhin, Russian Federation minister Mikhail Abyzov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Yuri Slusar, First Deputy General Director of Rostec Vladimir Artyakov, Chairman of the Industry Committee of the State Duma of Russian Federation Sergey Sobko, General Director of Russian Helicopters Alexander Mikheyev, General Director of the Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute Boris Alyoshin, and Chairman of the Board of the Helicopter Industry Association Mikhail Kazachkov.

During the opening, a congratulatory telegram was read from the head of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ivanov and the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin, who assessed highly the contribution of the HeliRussia exhibition to helicopter development, attraction of investments, new technologies and international cooperation within the helicopter industry.


The traditionally rich exhibition was presented by the general sponsor of the HeliRussia exhibition: Russian Helicopters. Like last year, the show stopper of the exhibition was a military helicopter. This time, it was MI-28NE, exhibited in front of the pavilion entrance, equipped to carry out combat missions day and night in all weather conditions. The fully armoured cab of this helicopter is capable of withstanding a direct hit by 23 mm caliber ammunition. Next to it, visitors could see the Mi-38, which recently set the world record for rate of climb. At the exhibition, the visitors were able to acquaint themselves with another novelty of the Russian manufacturers: a light multipurpose Ansat helicopter. This time, the model was presented in the medical version.

The general sponsor of the exhibition, AirbusHelicopters (former Eurocopter), presented an AS 350 light model helicopter. The distinguishing feature of this helicopter is that it is the only foreign-made model in Russia that domestic companies have chosen for implementation of the full range of works, including monitoring of pipelines, load suspension, geophysical research and transport of passengers.

Russian Helicopters and AugustaWestland showed customers a twin-engine AW 139 multi-purpose VIP version helicopter produced by the joint venture in Russia. To date, more than 190 operators from nearly 60 countries have placed orders for approximately 720 of helicopters of this type.

American manufacturers were represented by helicopter companies MD (MD-520), Bell (Bell-429 and Bell-407JX), as well as the entire series of helicopters manufactured by Robinson (R-22, R-44 and gas turbine R-66).


One of the expected premiers on display was the new engine of the Turbomeca RTM 322 family, with a capacity of 3000 HP. Currently, the engine type is installed on helicopters of the NH 90 family, AW 101 and AH-64D. Taking into consideration the close cooperation of the manufacturer with Russian helicopter specialists, as well as lessons learned from engines manufactured by Turbomecca, this type of engine can be expected to increase in the near future on Russian existing and prospective helicopter models.

Russian United Engine Building Corporation in turn presented the VK-800V and VK-2500 family of engines, and fuel equipment to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the airworthiness of helicopters.

The stand of Ukrainian company Motor Sich deserves special mention, which this year presented a number of helicopter engines, including the newest family of TV3-117vMA-SBM1V, and TV3-117VMA-SBM1v 4E series, and AI-450 M, D-136-2, MS-500V turboshaft engines.

The very presence of Ukrainian companies at the exhibition is a prime example of the fact that any political differences do not affect Russian-Ukrainian cooperation in the helicopter industry or destroy established long-term relations.


At HeliRussia-2014, KRET first presented at the exhibition as a single structure. Companies within the group showed the best developments in the field of avionics for various purposes. The complex on-board 21st century equipment drew much attention to the future high-speed helicopter (KBO PSV), developed by Ulyanovsk Instrument Design Bureau (UKBP).

Also at the KRET stand, the multifunctional Arbalet (FH-01) radar complex was presented, as well as a navigation control unit-computer, and laser optical-electronic suppression station, which was part of the electronic President-S warfare complex.

Another unique exhibit at the KRET stand was the modern system of intellectual processing visual information in the optical-electronic sighting system and target Ka-52 Alligator system. It was created by the State Ryazan Instrument Plant (GRPZ), which also presented a helmet target and indication system at the international exhibition.

Industrial Automatics Design Bureau in Saratov (KBPA JSC) specializing in the development and production of control systems for helicopters, presented a navigation panel-calculator at the show, which manages helicopters in automatic and manual modes.

Transas Aviation will demonstrated flight navigation complexes, which are the basis for new types of helicopters (MI-38, Ka-62) and modernization of MI-8/MI-17.

At the stand of the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (UOMZ), part of Schwabe holding, you could see the surveillance and aiming system of GOES-342, the surveillance and search engine GOES-337M, as well as civilian optical observation systems SON-730, SON-820, the main feature of which is the light weight, not exceeding 5 kg.

Finnish company Polartherm presented the HDU-43 thermal installation, designed specially for terrestrial heating of narrow fuselage aircraft and helicopters, taking into account the needs of clients such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as military operations, where safety and effective heating are important.

Business program

The business program of the HeliRussia exhibition was attended by over 1,300 participants from more than 200 local and international companies this year.

The exhibition held conferences, round tables and seminars on the topics: «Air ambulance and medical evacuation», «Aviation on-board equipment», «City helipads», Helicopter market: realities and prospects», «Safety of helicopter flights: experience and practice», etc.

The focus, of course, was on the round table «City helipads». On the day it took place, a technical flyover by helicopters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the first two specialized urban ministry city helipads built within the framework of the implementation of urban transport development program took place in Moscow. At a round table, developers of the industrial layout of helipads in the city of Moscow, representatives of MosgortransNIIproekt State Unitary Enterprise and representatives of regulatory bodies, including the leadership of the Moscow branch of the Centre for Air Traffic Control and Inspection of Air Transport Safety gave presentations. The majority of participants in the round table expressed the view that the regulations that have existed since the 1930s, limiting the use of aircraft in municipal locations, need updating, with the involvement of all stakeholders, including private helicopter operators. It was also agreed that future collaboration of developers and implementers of programs with regulators would modernize the existing legislation and improve air safety, including major cities such as Moscow.

At HeliRussia 2014, there was a «Russian air ambulance and medical evacuation» round table. The round table was attended by heads and specialists of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, health authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, hospitals, medical institutions, and research staff of medical universities. Following the round table, it was decided to develop a pilot «Development of the system of air ambulance in 2014-2015» project, the establishment and improvement of the system of training for managers and staff of air ambulance centres and «Protection», as well as approve the draft order of emergency consultative medical and medical evacuation.

The Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute jointly with the Central Institute of Aviation Motors and Interaviagaz organized a round table on «Gas motor aviation — promising direction for reducing the cost of air travel in Russia» where experts discussed new technological solutions aimed at increasing the use of gas as a motor fuel for air transport in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of the State program of natural gas vehicle technology in transport vehicles.

For the 6th time at the exhibition the annual «Helicopter Market: Reality and Prospects» International Conference was held, dedicated to the condition and prospects of development of the helicopter market.

The conference participants noted the steady growth of the Russian helicopter market and the helicopter industry in general. A review of the current state of the Russian helicopter fleet, the dynamics and the forecast of development of the helicopter market was given. According to expert data, helicopter production in Russia since 2004 has increased 3.5-fold while with since 2009 it has increased by an average of 66%. As of 2014, the overall increase of the helicopter industry in Russia is at a level of 15-20% per year. 2013 was a record year for Russia in terms of the number of imported foreign helicopters: 145. Compared to 2012, growth was almost 50%. In general, the foreign helicopters fleet more than doubled since 2009. A leader among foreign helicopters continues to be light helicopters manufactured by Robinson Helicopter Company.

At the same time, since 2011, there was significant growth of the medium-class fleet of helicopters of major manufacturers in Russia. Supply of helicopters of medium class in Russia in 2013 increased by 64% compared to the previous year. At the same time, for light class helicopters, the growth was 39%.

Russian helicopters continue to be in high demand both inside and outside the country. At the end of 2013, the portfolio of solid orders of Russian Helicopters holding totaled 808 helicopters worth 401.2 billion rubles.

Key events

For several years, one of the key markets for Robinson Helicopter Company in Europe is Russia. This year, 500 R-66 helicopters were delivered to Russian customers. The jubilee version was at the exhibition and handed over by the head of the company of Robinson Helicopters, Kurt Robinson.

Russian Helicopter Systems signed an exclusive contract at the exhibition with the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of aluminum helipads, Bayards Aluminium Construction BV. According to interviewed experts, the best practices, technology and production capacity of Bayards not only constitutes a serious competitive advantage, but will also significantly upgrade the Russian market of helicopter services.

UTAir airline will buy additional equipment from Canadian manufacturers DART Aerospace, used on AS350 and AS355 Airbus Helicopters. A tripartite agreement between UTAir DART Aerospace Engineering and Heliatika (Russia), representing products of the Canadian manufacturer in Russia, includes supply and installation, including for customer support, of additional fuel tanks, hanging baskets and chassis and equipment that will allow the company to expand the range of services offered to customers.

UTAir also has extended the Airbus Helicopters training centre certificate by signing an agreement at the HeliRussia 2014 international exhibition in Moscow. The companies have agreed to continue their joint activities on training of pilots and technical personnel at the training center in Tyumen. The agreement was signed for a period of three years.

Russia Helicopters holding and Control Systems in the Rostec corporation signed a strategic partnership agreement. «The subject of the agreement is cooperation on the development of information technologies at Russian Helicopters holding, including in the area of scientific research, development and innovation projects.

Traditionally, during the days of the HeliRussia exhibition, the winners of the Helicopter Industry Association Awards are given prizes. This year’s winners were announced in the following categories: pilot, test pilot, pilot-athlete of the year, pilot year of state helicopter aviation, engineer and design engineer of the year, test engineer of the year, and promising young engineer of the year. In the competition for 2013, 46 of the best employees from 24 companies in the helicopter industry participated, of which 36 were engineers and 10 were pilots.

As part of the exhibition an awards ceremony for the 7th annual «Beauty of helicopter» photo competition was held. Winners were selected in 5 categories.

Russia Helicopters holding gave awards to the winners of the annual «Helicopters of the 21st century» competition. The total number of participants in the «Helicopters of the 21st century» competition in 2013-2014 was over fifteen students attending specialized higher education institutions. They included the Moscow Aviation Institute, Tupolev Kazan State Technical University Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, the Far Eastern State Technical University, the Southern Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Korolev Samara State Aerospace University and the largest enterprises of the Russian aircraft industry. The number of participants exceeded sixty people.

This year, however, the main event took place not at the exhibition, but in Moscow on May 23 when a technical flight from Moscow’s first-ever helicopter pads took place, built by a private company.

The Moscow-City and House of Music sites are pilot projects, built by Russian Helicopter Systems within the framework of realization of the «Development of the transport system for 2012-2016» state program of the city of Moscow.

This is despite the fact that at first, these pads will be used in the interests of law enforcement and emergency services aviation (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry for Emergency Situations, etc.). With the liberalization of Moscow airspace, these sites can be used by independent carriers.

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