15 - 17 мая
МВЦ "Крокус Экспо", Павильон 1

Post Release: 4-th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2011

HeliRussia-2011 – the Fourth Time in Russia

4-th International Exhibition of Helicopter Industry HeliRussia-2011
19 – 21 May, 2011, Moscow, IEC «Crocus Expo»
Hall No. 1, Hall No. 4

From May 19 to 21, 2011, 4-th International Exhibition of Helicopter Industry HeliRussia 2011 was held in compliance with the order of the Russian Federation government No. 1275-p issued on September 2, 2009, on the territory of «Crocus Expo». The exhibition was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the initiative of Helicopter Industry Association. CJSC «Russian Helicopter Systems» was the planner of the event. The organizing committee of the exhibition was headed by Denis Manturov, the deputy minister of industry and trade. The title sponsor of HeliRussia 2011 was JSC «UIC «Oboronprom», the general sponsor – company «Eurocopter Vostok».

161 companies from 17 countries of the world were the participants of the 4-th International exhibition of helicopter industry, namely from Russia, Ukraine, USA, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Canada, Columbia, Poland, Norway, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia.

Last year, 156 companies from 14 countries participated in the exhibition; 129 companies from 10 countries of the world presented their displays at the first exhibition; 144 companies from 14 countries presented their displays at the second exhibition. The first HeliRussia receives 129 companies from 10 countries of the world.

The items of display of HeliRussia 2011 was arranged on the grounds of 10 750 sq.m, where 121 Russian and 40 foreign companies were presented. Among them there were the helicopter designers and makers, helicopter simulators, components, rooms and special equipment for the helicopter equipment. The companies providing the ground support, radar monitoring, making helicopter sites, maintenance centers and fueling complexes have shown their products. The transport, leasing, insurance companies and, of course, the dealers of helicopter equipment have shown their products as well. The second year running, the exhibition displayed gyrocopters. This year they were 7 as compared with four in 2010.

15 helicopters were displayed at the exhibition: among them Ми – 38, Ка – 32 – 2 helicopters: with the fire-fighting and medical equipment, Ка – 226, EC135, As 350, AW139, AW109, SKYe SH09, AK1-3 (DB Aerocopter), R66, R44 (3 pcs), Berkut made by: JSC «Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant», JSC «Kamov», Eurocopter, AgustaWestland, Robinson Helicopters, Marenco Swisshelicopter, CB Aerocopter, LLC «Berkut».

In front of the exhibition hall, three helicopters were displayed: Ка – 32A11BC, Ка – 32 with medical equipment and the second experimental helicopter Мi – 38 made jointly by the Mil Moscow Design Bureau and the Kazan Helicopters Plant.

10 Russian and 1 foreign companies have shown the military products at HeliRussia 2011.

The letters of congratulations from the President of the Russian Federation Dmitriy Medvedev, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanov, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Volga federal district Grigoriy Rapota, the Chairman of Federal Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov have arrived to the participants, organizers and guests of the exhibition.

The following guests participated in the official ceremony of exhibition opening which was on May 19, 2011 at 12 o’clock in hall No. 1 of IEC «Crocus Expo»:

  • Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanov,
  • first deputy minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Andrey Dementiev,
  • plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Volga federal district Grigoriy Rapota,
  • first deputy chairman of Military-Industrial Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation Uriy Borisov,
  • deputy minister of transport of the Russian Federation Valeriy Okulov,
  • major-general of the Army Aviation Combat Employment center of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Alexander Cherniyaev,
  • president of the Helicopter Industry Association, the hero of Russia Sergey Miheev,
  • general director of «MIC «Oboronprom» Andrey Reus,
  • general director of JSC «Russia’s Helicopters» Dmitriy Petrov,
  • chairman of Head Office of Helicopter Industry Association Michail Kazachkov,

and other official persons.

Sergey Ivanov read out the address of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitriy Medvedev to the guests and participants of the exhibition. It is stated in particular in the document that «the Russian items of display show again the patterns of equipment both of the civil and military use, which find a market all over the world. Today it is important not only to support the obtained quality level but also to rapidly modernize the works, stimulate the development of innovations».

In his speech, Sergey Ivanov pointed out a high interest of foreign helicopter-making companies to the Russian market.

«The growth in the number of exhibitors of HeliRussia takes place annularly mainly due to attraction of foreign companies which, on the one hand shows the transparency of our market and, on the other hand shows a high interest to it from the world leaders of helicopter business», told S.Ivanov opening International Exhibition of Helicopter Industry HeliRussia-2011. «Such a tendency demonstrates that it turned into a respected and representational international show of this quickly developing and high-technology branch», — pointed out the Vice prime minister.

He also pointed out that the Russian helicopter industry has preserved its competitive ability at the world market. «The Russian helicopter industry has a long history, good traditions; we have competitive products both of civil and military use», — pointed out S. Ivanov.

He added that the given exhibition is the only exhibition site in Russia showing the whole spectrum of Russian and world helicopter industry products.

The first deputy minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Andrey Dementiev read out the greetings to all those present from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in which the achievements of the home helicopter makers and the importance of the Russian exhibition grounds were pointed out: «It is important, that the wide program of HeliRussia makes it possible not only to show the innovations, but to exchange the useful experience, to discuss the whole spectrum of burning branch problems. I am sure that the exhibition will help to strengthen the innovation potential of home helicopter-making, development of cooperative connections, moving the products of Russian manufacturers to the world market».

In his turn the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Volga federal district Grigoriy Rapota who has taken part in the ceremony of exhibition opening pointed out that «The affair attracts a higher attention of world’s leaders in designing, making and use of helicopters. The unique technology and the most advance products are shown here».

The backbone of Russian display was the integrated stand of UIC «Oboronprom» including helicopter-making holding JSC «Russian Helicopters» and United Engine-Building Corporation which have shown 18 Russian companies on the grounds of 508 sq.m. Holding «Russian Helicopters » has had a highly intensive bushiness program at the exhibition – technical conference «The role of helicopters in the solution of urgent regional problems» and round-table conference «The role of helicopters in the development of the Arctic Region».

The first day of the exhibition was rather fruitful in signing the agreements of partnership for the helicopter-making holding. JSC «Russian Helicopters» and leasing company «WEB-Leasing» signed an agreement on strategic partnership at the aviation market of Latin America. The agreement provides, in particular, rendering of leasing services the companies from Latin America which want to buy and use new Russian civil helicopters. The holding and air company «UTAir» have signed an agreement on delivery of ten light helicopters Ми-34C1. As explained by the general director of air company «UTAir» A. Martirosov, according to the results of operation of these helicopters the fleet of helicopters of this type in the air company may be increased in perspective up to 50. He told that it was planned to deliver the helicopters first of all to the training center of «UTAir» and to use them for training the pilots and to monitor gas and fuel fields as well. That day, holding «Russian Helicopters» also signed a framework agreement with French company Turbomeca for the delivery of a large lot of engines for helicopters Ka-62.

An agreement on the first order for delivery of 40 series engines of company Turbomeca at exhibition HeliRussia has been signed by the general director of holding «Russian Helicopters» Dmitriy Petrov and the president of company Turbomeca Pier Fabr.

Agreements have been also signed among the other participants of the exhibition. Company Eurocopter has given air company «UTAir» a code certificate due to which the Training center for the pilots of air company in Tumen can provide training of the pilots for the helicopters of Turbomeca. The Center in Tumen has become the 20-th in world training network Eurocopter and the first, founded without participation of the helicopter maker in the company capital. According to the signed agreement, the Center gets the exclusive rights for training on the territory of Russia and CIS.

Company AgustaWestland has signed a contacts for the delivery of two AW139 to Russian company Exclases Holdings.

40 foreign companies of helicopter industry has taken part in HeliRussia 2011, among them the leaders of world market, such as Eurocopter, AgustaWestland, Sikorsky Aircraft, «Motor Sich», KC «Ivchenko – Progress», Turbomeca, Marenco Swisshelicopter, Becker Avionics, Pall Corporation, Simplex Manufacturing, Absolute Fire Solutions, Air Methods Product Division, Ankol, Goodrich, H+S Aviation and others.

At exhibition HeliRussia 2011, company Eurocopter has displayed the first result of its cooperation with the Russian air industry – helicopter EC135 which fir the first time on the demand of the Customer, air company «Gaspromavia», carries the Russian avionics made by Russian company «Transas» based at Saint Petersburg. The stand of Eurocopter displayed helicopter As350 belonging to air company «UTAir».

American company Sikorsky Aircraft has asserted itself at the Russian market after a very long interval. Vice-president of the trade and marketing company Frank DiPaskuale declared the beginning of new official sales of his helicopters in Russia. In 2012 the company reckons to certify heavy helicopter S-92 and light helicopter S-434 in Russia. Sikorsky also plans to promote middle helicopter S-76D to the Russian market, however, the terms of its Russian certification are not clean, since this model is still tested yet.

Company «Motor Sich» has displayed at the exhibition modernized helicopter engine TB3-117BMA-СБМ1В designed by the Ukraine engine builders for the needs of Russian Air Forces. Its feature is the possibility of adjustment of the automatic control system to the takeoff power from 2500 to 2800 h.p. depending on the helicopter type. The Ukraine designers think that the new engine can be used on the Russian helicopters, type Ми-8, particularly on Ми-171/172 and also on rotorcrafts.

AgustaWestland has displayed on its stand helicopter AW139, the same as the one displayed by the company last year. It is planned that at the end of 2011, first helicopters of this model will be manufactured in Tomilino located near Mowcow.

At HeliRussia 2011 Swiss company Marenco Swisshelicopter held its first presentation at the Russian and European markets of its new helicopter SKY SH09. The latter is equipped with one gas turbine engine, has a takeoff mass of 2.5 t and is an all-composite structure. The stand had shown a full-size model of this helicopter. The assembly of the first flight model begun this year in winter and the trial flights are planned for the beginning of 2012. The next exhibition will show a ready flight item.

Shown at HeliRussia 2011 was the first Russian helicopter Robinson R66 presented by company Uralhelicom. Though this helicopter has not yet been certified in Russia, it already has a Customer. It is planned, that R66 will be certified this year in autumn.

Among the Russian innovations the exhibition has shown a coaxial two-seater «Berkut» having a takeoff mass of 785 to 830 kg. Its first flight is planned a month after closing of the exhibition.

Interesting developments have been presented by the rotaplane makers who two years running exhibit as part of the helicopter exhibition stands. Shown among them were two-seater Cavalon, elegant MTOsport Gyros-1 and Gyros-2 popular among the customers, and light one-seated «Barsic» designed by the Voronezh state redbrick university as well.

Traditionally, the International Helicopter Association (HAI) participates at HeliRussia. Its delegation not only represents its organization on the exhibition stand but also participates in international conference «Helicopter market: realities and percepctives», in seminar «Future Development and Experience in Employment of Russian and Foreign Flight Standards», in international seminar «Flight Safety Control System in Helicopters», and also in the awarding ceremony for the winners and prizemen of the Helicopter Industry Association bonuses.

By tradition, the exhibition had a vast business program which included 34 diversified activities. One of its key activities was the 3-rd International conference «Helicopter Market: realities and perspectives» organized by the Helicopter Industry Association and agency «AviaPort». Discussed at the conference were the parameters of Russian helicopter market from the position of the helicopter equipment customers and makers. Listened to were the reports on the international helicopter market forecast made by company Honeywel Aerospace (the director on the market analysis being Charles Park), on the American helicopter market made by the International Helicopter Association (the Vise president being Edward Dikamply), on the Russian helicopter market (the chairman of the management board AVI being Michael Kazachkov). The conference was held on the first day of the exhibition opening and had a broad resonance among the participants of the Russian helicopter market.

The third round-table conference «The Problems of Use of Alternate Fuels of Blau Gas Row (ASKT) in Helicopters and Other Airplanes» was devoted to the alternate fuels which was already traditional. The conference was held by the Council of Experts in urgent scientific and technical and social and economic problems under vice speaker of State Duma of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation together with CAHDO, StSRI CA and «Interaviagas».

The topic of the round-table conference has attracted a great interest on the part of specialists. More than 80 persons from 45 organizations have been present at it. The participants of the round-table conference pointed out that today a heavy workload has been done in the ASKT field, the actual figures of efficiency and perspectives of the given innovation trends have been reached. The project has reached such a maturity level at which the results of developments can be handed over to the industry and introduced in service. However to do this, the additional capital assets are needed. To solve the financial problem of the project, participation in the state aviation technology development programs will be required. One of the most urgent problems for today is processing platform «Aviation Mobility».

Round-table conference «Simulators Technologies for Flights Security Providing» have been held at exhibition HeliRussia 2011. It attracted a great interest on the part of professionals of aviation community – two hours provided for the action was not enough for arguments. More than 130 specialists and representatives of field mass media have gathered to listen to the speakers of round-table conference; among them the representative of government institutions, the leading Russian aviation simulator makers, the representatives of certifying agencies, the users of aviation simulators. Such an interest to the round-table conference is comprehensible – the number of flight accidents and air crashes of the helicopters in different structures of the state and civil aviation is still too high.

The club of experts together with JSC «Russian Venture Company» has held a round-table conference devoted to the development of scientific researches and developments (R&D) in the corporations, as well as in small and medium innovation companies. A report was made by the director of scientific and research center of JSC «Russia’s Helicopters» Podoryaschev D.A., the member of the board of JSC RVK Ruznetsov E.B., the generator director of JSC «Interaviagas» Zaytsev V.P., and the expert of International intellectual property organization Leontyev B.B.

At HeliRussia 2011, the winners of contest «Helicopters of XXI Century» organized by the JSC «UIC «Oboronprom», JSC «Russian Helicopters», as well as of the photographic contest «Beauty of Rotorcrafts» held already the fourth year by the Helicopter Industry Association were awarded.

For the first time, declared by the Helicopter Industry Association the International Journalistic Contest in the best publication on the helicopter topic has been completed also at HeliRussia 2011. Notebooks were presented to four winners of the contest by the Chief of the board of directors of National Association of Journalists «Mediacratiya».

Newspaper ShowObserver HeliRussia 2011 was published at the exhibition.

For three working days of the exhibition, more than 7 thousand peoples visited it. Among them the notables and statesmen of the Russian Federation and of the other states, the representatives of foreign military agencies, as well as businessmen and non-professionals of helicopter sport. Many visitors were the ordinary citizens with children who examined the cockpits and passenger compartments of the helicopter of different makers with great pleasure.

The next, fifth, jubilee international exhibition of helicopter Industry HeliRussia 2012 will be held at the same grounds, in IEC «Crocus Expo» from 17 to 19 May, 2012.

We are sure that it will be still more interesting and varied in form.

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