15 - 17 мая
МВЦ "Крокус Экспо", Павильон 1

«Metallurgy and new developments of casting, deformation and heat treating of light alloys» Conference

Radio st., 17, Moscow

May 18, from 10.00 to 16.00


Business program of the International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2016 will be opened by the scientific and technical conference «Metallurgy and new developments of casting, deformation and heat treating of light alloys.»

Conference is organized by the State Research Centre – All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials with the «Materials and metallurgy technology» group. The event will be held May 18 at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials building in Moscow.

Leading scientists and specialists of the Russian design bureaus and companies involved in the development and manufacturing of technological advancements attends the conference.

Research workers of academic and industry universities and institutes will present their reports on new developments on advanced technologies of casting, heat treating and deformation of lightweight alloys for aerospace products.

Metallurgy and aerospace industry professionals are invited to attend the event. To participate in the «Metallurgy and new developments of casting, deformation and heat treating of light alloys» conference you need to fill an online application form on the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials website (or contact splav@viam.ru).

As a result of the conference the electronic collection of reports will be released (in Russian).


Conference organizers contacts:

Andrey Ivanov, +7 (499) 263-86-16 

Mokhail Oglodkov, +7 (499) 263-89-05 

Ivan Tarasov, +7 (499) 263-88-84 

e-mail: splav@viam.ru





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