15 - 17 мая

Air Ambulance & Medical Evacuation Conference 2016

This conference covers a broad range of issues connected with the development of air ambulances, medical evacuation, and the latest developments in the sphere of search-and-rescue technology.

Conference organizers — Helicopter Industry Association, «Mobile Medicine», HeliRussia Directorate, Russian Center for Disaster Medicine «Zashita» of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. Conference has the support of Ministry of Industry & Trade of Russian Federation. 

The conference is traditionally attended by representatives of State authorities, experts from many different medical organisations with backgrounds in aerial evacuation of medical patients, as well as by pilots in the air-ambulance and medical evacuation services, and companies who are involved in the development, production and certification of medical aviation services and equipment.

Conference prelumenary programm includes following topics:

  1. Development of air ambulance with current economic situations, considering limited budget funding.
  2. Ways to improve the overall effectiveness of the air ambulance: organizational structure, technical & technological issues, information flow.
  3. Interaction between state and commercial air ambulance & medevac providers. Their partnerships as one of the ways of increasing the efficiency of air ambulance.
  4. Experience with domestic and foreign medevac rotorcraft & equipment in Russia.
  5. Training in the air ambulance & medevac.

Organizer’s contacts on the Air Ambulance & Medical Evacuation Conference 2016:

Zhanna Kiktenko (zhanna@helirussia.ru)
Sergei Suvorov (sgsuvorov@gmail.com)




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