15 - 17 мая

8th International conference «Helicopter Market: Reality and Prospects»




International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia is the largest regional specialized aviation exhibitions in Russia & CIS. It is venue for the industry leaders demonstrating a full range of products and services offered by Russian and worldwide helicopter industry: from design and production and modernization to financing services, operations and maintenance. Given that any exhibition venue is a meeting point for experts in marketing, sales and also buyers of products and services, «HeliRussia» Management decided to organize the annual International Conference «Helicopter Market: Reality and Prospects» dedicated to outlook of the helicopter market development at HeliRussia.

Conference Objective:

The Conference «Helicopter Market: Reality and Prospects» sets objective to define the parameters (size and value) of the Russian helicopter market also bring to light the correlation with the world market parameters. In order to achieve a high level of accuracy several approaches to research are being used:

  • Review of the current state of the helicopter fleet in Russia
    • Number of helicopters in use by their types and models.
    • Helicopter use by activity type.
    • Airworthy condition.
    • Rate of operation.
  • Forecast of the Russian helicopter market development
    • Appraisal of the market distribution by types
    • Appraisal of the market size by the value factor
  The Conference Moderator – Mr. Oleg Panteleev, AviaPort Agency Editor-in-Chief


You will hear presentations on:

  • Helicopter Fleet of the Russian Federation.
Mikhail Kazachkov, Chairman of the Board, Helicopter Industry Association


  • World Helicopter Market Forecast
Paulo Menegusso, Market Analysis Honeywell Aerospace


Participation in the Conference

The conference is intended for experts in the field of helicopter spare parts and components, design and production, repair and maintenance as well as helicopter operation. Participation in the conference will help to receive the most precise picture of the Russian helicopter market parameters as of early 2015 and in the near future will help get a detailed picture of the current and future market image improve the promotion strategy for the goods and services and will help to plan the future activity.

This Conference is a joint project of the Helicopter Industry Association and AviaPort Agency. Participation is free for all exhibitors registered on the website of the 9th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2016.

Registration will be available from March, 25.

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