15 - 17 мая
МВЦ "Крокус Экспо", Павильон 1

“Helicopter Fuselage Color Scheme Design” Master Class

The fuselage color design is the main and the first distinctive feature of the helicopter that attracts first attention.
Color design solution can create positive or negative image of the aircraft influencing:
— visual image matching helicopter specification and application;
— visual image compliance with modern trends in the helicopter design.
Aesthetically correct color design solution has the opportunity to:
— to level aesthetic defects in fuselage design;
— to emphasize aesthetic benefits in fuselage design;
— to level or emphasize particular qualities  of the aircraft fuselage functional areas;
— to consolidate product range in one style.
The main modern problem in developing color design solution for the helicopter fuselage is the lack 
methodological approach in the design process.
Master Class – “Helicopter Fuselage Color Scheme Design” will be held within the frames of the international «Aircraft Design» forum.
Demonstrated processes:
1. Design methodology: stages and methods of fuselages color design solution development. 
2. Analogue and digital sketching aircraft fuselage color scheme design.
3. Field research of the fuselages color design solution on a scale model
4. Guests participation in analogue outline aircraft fuselage color design research.
Professionals are invited to participate in the field of aviation, transport and industrial design, design bureau, faculty of technical colleges, students, aircraft operators are welcome. 
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