May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

“Beauty of rotary-wing machines” photo contest to celebrate a 10-year anniversary at HeliRussia 2017

The main Russian helicopter industry photo contest called “Beauty of rotary-wing machines” celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year. Held by the Russian Helicopter Industry Association (HIA) the competition enjoys high esteem both in Russia and abroad. About one hundred winners were awarded in the photo contest history.

Photos for the contest “Beauty of rotary-wing machines – 2017” are accepted since February, 6 up to April, 16. The results will be traditionally announced at the International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2017 held on May, 25-27, in Moscow.

In fact, the first contest was held in with the first HeliRussia expo in 2008, so this year both photo contest and the expo celebrates the anniversaries.

The “Beauty of rotary-wing machines” shows the skill of aviation photographers worldwide both professional and amateur – anyone can take part in it. The idea of the photo contest is to draw more interest to the helicopter industry and showcase the best artworks of the aviation photographers and to support helicopter sports in Russia. 40 best works of the competition selected by the Jury will be shown on a display at the HeliRussia 2017.

The Jury of the contest awards the participants’ photos in four nominations: helicopter at work, military helicopter, helicopter at sports, helicopter and nature. Rules of the contest are published at the HIA’s website.

In addition to the main four nominations, winner of the “Internet voting absolute leader” nomination will be awarded. The voting will be conducted at the HIA website week as the new photos will be published. Vote will show the leader every week and these leaders would eventually compete for the title of the “Absolute leader”.

HIA and HeliRussia 2017 exhibition will have the pleasure to greet the participants. Everyone interested are welcome to join in the photo contest. Industry companies are invited to join as sponsors of the “Beauty of rotary-wing machines” contest. Support of a such event will present the company as forward-looking and progressive also enhancing the brand positioning at the anniversary HeliRussia 2017.


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