May 15 - 17

Andrey Martirosov General Director Public joint-stock company Airline company UTair


Dear colleagues!

Welcome to the XIV International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2021.

UTair Group of Companies traditionally takes an active part in exposition and business program of HeliRussia, and 2021 will not be an exception.

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 turned out to be unprecedentedly difficult for the world economy and especially for aviation.

Global quarantine measures have affected individual enterprises and the entire industry generally. The crisis has not been overcome yet but it is extremely important in the current situation to share work experience in terms of geopolitical constraints and find new opportunities for strategic development.

Exhibition HeliRussia will serve as an excellent communication platform that allows to comprehensively discuss the best solutions for priority tasks.

I wish the organizers, participants and guests of HeliRussia 2021 fruitful connections, effective work and all the best!

Mr. A.Z.Martirosov

General Director Public joint-stock company Airline company UTair


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