May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

International participation at HeliRussia 2017 grows

The 10th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2017 will take place from 25 to 27 May in Moscow. Being the largest industry expo in Europe and North Asia, the anniversary event attracts special interest from the international helicopter industry companies.

Helicopter Industry Association, as a founder of HeliRussia, in its analysis of the helicopter market development highlights several key factors contributing to the influx of foreign companies’ interest towards HeliRussia.

Firstly, despite the economic issues, the Russian helicopter market grows continuesly. De facto all foreign-made helicopters are in demand in Russia, except the heavies. Thus, all the major helicopter manufacturers pay attention to Russia. Annually HeliRussia visitors can see the newest and most popular models from Airbus Helicopters, Bell Helicopter, Leonardo and Robinson. Commercial MD Helicopters models may find their way to HeliRussia once again.

Secondly, along with the growth of the civil helicopter fleet in Russia, the demand for all the services for foreign-made helicopters expands. Not all Russian companies, even cooperating with international partners, can offer a comprehensive range of support to foreign helicopters’ operators. This leads to the promising situation for international companies to enter the Russian market.

Third, the Russian government starts to pay more attention to the medical aviation and medevac helicopters as an important part to it. Domestic helicopter manufacturers and those specialized in medical equipment are not always ready to offer their products in demanded quantities. In this case, medical services and institution traditionally prefer the foreign suppliers. For example, the Moscow Aviation Center uses Airbus Helicopters (Eurocopter) rotorcrafts from the early 1990s.

Fourth, the helicopter infrastructure development in Russia is now experiencing an expanding growth. Increase in medical aviation financing by the government is partly reason to this factor because more of the modern helicopter pads are needed. Sometimes the local developers do not keep up with demand in the construction and equipment supply for the new sites. In this case, some investors may turn to foreign developers.

Fifth, in the current economic situation, the Russian Ruble’s exchange rate to dollar and euro is lowered, making participation in the HeliRussia 2017 for the foreign companies more profitable.

Sixth, as the largest regional industry expo, HeliRussia covers not only the Russian market, but also markets of the neighboring countries as well. Moreover, in some cases HeliRussia is the only helicopter expo that is available for some companies from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). That is why the number of companies’ delegates from the regional countries at HeliRussia is high.

These factors have a direct impact on the growing interest in HeliRussia 2017 of the international business. It should also be noted, that with its 10 years of experience. HeliRussia rose to the level of the most prominent international expos. This means that the international companies can expect the usual high level of service and comfort during the event. Being initially opened for the global audience, HeliRussia welcomes companies of various sizes to join, making the best of even the most limited budgets.

HeliRussia is held annually since 2008 in accordance with the Russian government’s decree. The expo is organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the event is executed by the Russian Exhibition Systems and Helicopter Industry Association provides support for the expo.

Contact details:

Tel. no.: + 7 (495) 926-60-66 and + 7 (495) 228-14-41


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