May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

Conference “Modern methods of rescue operations”

Organizer — HeliRussia Directorate

Helicopter during search and rescue operations significantly reduces the time of their conduct and in an emergency increases the chances of survivors to survive. Air rescue is used on land and water, at any time of the year and in completely different climatic zones. The success of any rescue operation depends on many environmental factors, the adaptability of the aircraft, the skill of the crew, and special equipment.

The conference will discuss the features of the legislative framework and the interaction of structures. New technologies and techniques for rescue operations, especially the interaction of flight personnel and rescuers. Manufacturers of helicopter equipment will talk about promising developments, the advantages of different types of helicopters and their application when working with external suspension, equipping helicopters with medical modules. Representatives of foreign concerns will share international experience. Certification of rescue equipment will also be raised.

Representatives of the Ministry of Emergencies, Moscow Aviation Center State Institution, Russian Helicopters JSC, and the «Arkhangelsk Regional State Aviation Administration Rescue Service named after. I.A. Polivanogo», FGKU «North Caucasus Regional Search and Rescue Squad of EMERCOM of Russia», FGKU «Southern Regional Search and Rescue Squad of EMERCOM of Russia», FGKU «State Central Airmobile Rescue Squad», developers of rescue equipment.

If you are interested in participating in the report, send your proposal by e-mail


Alexander Panormov, head of the search and rescue service (SPASO) of the «Moscow Aviation Center».


Andrey Pazynich, Head of the Federal State Public Institution Southern Regional Search and Rescue Detachment of the Russian EMERCOM.

Topic: Experience and outlook of air search and rescue operations.

Andrey Khudiakov, Deputy Head of the North Caucasian Regional Search and Rescue Detachment.

Topic: Air search and rescue operations in the North Caucasian Federal District. Development prospects. Analysis, learnings, proposals.

Anton Kolmykov, 1st category rescuer, commander of the search and rescue group, Arkhangelsk region state budgetary institution «Rescue Service named after I. A. Polivany».

Topic: Experience of Arkhangelsk I.A. Polivany Rescue Service. Success stories. Challenges.

Alexander Gritsenko, physician of ski patrol emergency medical brigade, Ministry of Health of Krasnodar region.

Topic: Use of certified safety connector lanyards in victim evacuation with an attendant (physician) in a helicopter external sling.

Evgeny Cheremnykh, physician of ski patrol emergency medical brigade, Ministry of Health of Krasnodar region.

Topic: Special aspects and experience of air transportation of injured athletes from the track during the Alpine Ski World Cup.

Vassily Do, instructor in the faculty of search and rescue operations. Moscow training center for civil defence and emergency situations.

Topic: Victim transportation in an external sling.

Alexey Skorikov, 1-St Deputy Director General «PANH Helicopters».

Topic: Experience of PANH Helicopters in search and rescue operations management.

Alexander Grishkanich, Head of the research team, scientific associate in JSC M.F. Stelmakh Polyus Research Institute.

Topic: Multifunctional laser packages for optronic reconnaissance and monitoring.




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