May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

Aviation English Teachers’ Seminar

Organizer — HeliRussia Directorate

Since the 20th century, aviation has been a global medium of communication and transcends many borders. For effective communication, which not least depends on flight safety, a clear and correct exchange of information is required. Since 1977, Russian has become the official language of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) along with English, French and Spanish. However, the dominant role is played by the English language.

The helicopter industry, both in civil and general aviation, is also expanding its borders from year to year. Helicopter tourism has become commonplace for many private pilots, and commercial pilots have long been guided by the performance of work not only in Russia but also in foreign countries.

HeliRussia International Helicopter Industry Exhibition is the main industry event of the year, which was recognized not only for its extensive exhibition, but also for its business program, in which everyone can find something useful for himself. On September 16, a workshop of aviation English teachers will be held as part of the exhibition.

Aviation English has its own specifics due to the established terms and turnovers that you need to know for successful communication with foreign dispatchers. High knowledge of the English language undoubtedly increases flight safety, minimizing the possibility of misunderstanding. The seminar will examine this direct specificity, as well as analyze communication examples.

The full course, information about which will be presented at the seminar, includes the following sections:

  • Teaching vocabulary in Aviation
  • Teaching grammar in Aviation
  • Teaching video in Aviation
  • Teaching RT in Aviation
  • Teaching reading in Aviation
  • Teaching Listening in Aviation

For clarity, the seminar will discuss in detail the topics of radio exchange and instructional videos that can be used to train aviation technical personnel. In addition, participants will be able to visit fragments of lessons on this topic.

The leader of the seminar is Anna Shumaeva, a teacher of aviation English and phraseology of radio exchange.

A wide range of flight personnel, English teachers and everyone interested in studying aviation terminology are invited to participate in the event.

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