May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

Post Release: 6-th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2013

HeliRussia-2013 Has Become the Largest European Helicopter Event of the Year

6-th International Exhibition of Helicopter Industry HeliRussia-2013
May 16 – 18, 2013, Moscow, Crocus Expo
Pavilion 1, Halls #3 and #4

Total of 205 companies from 18 countries took part in the 6-th International Exhibition of Helicopter Industry. Compared with the previous years, the exhibition demonstrates a steady growth. Thus, in 2011, 161 companies from 16 countries participated in the exhibition; in 2010 – 156 companies from 14 countries. In comparison with the first exhibition held in 2008, the total number of exhibitors and countries increased by 60%.

This year, over 10k people visited HeliRussia to see the range and new products by the world’s largest manufacturers of helicopters. Last year, the exhibition attracted about 9k of Muscovites and guests of the City. Also, over 300 representatives of the Russian and foreign mass media were accredited at the event.

This year, among the attendees were political and Government leaders, foreign delegations, representatives of domestic and foreign law enforcement agencies, businessmen, professionals, industry representatives and representatives of the Russian and foreign mass media, as well as people simply interested in helicopters.

The area of the exhibition HeliRussia-2013 increased by almost 1,000 sq. m. and equaled 12,706 sq.m. to hold the products of 205 (165 Russian and 40 foreign) companies, including the global market leaders such as Russian Helicopters JSC, Eurocopter, Sikorsky Aircraft, AgustaWestland, Bell Helicopter, MD Helicopters, Robinson, Motor Sich, Turbomecca, Transas PANH, UTAir, and many others.

For the first time in Russia, the exhibition included a revolutionary machine – the world’s first composite rotorcraft – KC-518 by Composite Helicopters, New Zealand.

Visitors were also able to see the newest multi-role helicopter AW139, first assembled in Russia at the joint venture of Russian Helicopters JSC and AgustaWestland JP HeliVert.   By the way, the same helicopter, but of the Italian origin, is used by the Prime Minister of Russia, D.A. Medvedev.

One of the key themes of the exhibition was the development of the air ambulance and rescue in Russia. The vision of modern machines for ambulance and evacuation works was presented by Russian Helicopters JSC with their light multi-purpose helicopter Ka-226T of medical specifications, and Eurocopter with a specially equipped EC-145 shown at their stand.

For the first time, the resurrected company Russo-Balt presented their V6 and V12 diesel multi-purpose engines. A distinguishing feature of the engines is versatility. With minor alterations, they can be used in aviation, sea and road transport.

At the exhibition entrance, there were two helicopters displayed:  Mi-35M and a light multi-purpose helicopter “Ansat” by Kazan Helicopter Plant.

At HeliRussia-2013, the Ukrainian company Motor Sich presented an updated Mi-2 developed by their experts. As Vyacheslav Boguslaev, General Director Motor Sich, told us – MI-2 was a prototype of a new helicopter called MSB-2.

“We left only blades from the old helicopter. The machine was developed in the Design Engineering Department established in Motor Sich”, – informed Boguslaev. What prompted the company was the number of idle Mi-2 in the world at the moment. Over 5k of such machines were constructed. Approximately 900 of Mi-2 helicopters are operated In the North and Far east of Russia alone, and almost all of them remain landed because they are overaged and have the outdated engine TB2.

In total, 16 machines of the Russian and foreign manufacturers were presented at the exhibition, including: Gazelle SA341, Robinson R-22, R-66 and two R-44, AgustaWestland’s AW119 Koala and AW-139, Eurocopter EC-130 T2 and EC-145, Ка-226Т, MD-520, Bell-429, Ansat, Aviaproject AP-55, Mi-2 – MSB-2 upgraded by the Ukrainian plant Motor Sich and a military transportation Mi-35M.

In the official opening ceremony of the exhibition that was held on May 16, 2013 in the Pavilion 1 of IEC Crocus Expo took part:

  • Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of the RF Government;
  • Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Sergey Chemezov, General Director of PC Rostechnologies;
  • Vyacheslav Shtyrov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the RF;
  • Anatoly Punchuk, Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation;
  • Dmitry Lelikov, General Director of UIC Oboronprom OJSC;
  • Dmitry Petrov, General Director of Russian Helicopters JSC;
  • Mikhail Kazachkov, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Helicopter Industry

and other officials.

The participants, organizers and guests of the exhibition  were addressed by the telegram from Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister, who has participated in the opening of the exhibition for years, stated that “HeliRussia establishes the competence of our country. Russia needs not only competition but cooperation as well. Look, enjoy, admire. Nothing more elegant than a modern helicopter has been invented by the human thought”.

According to Dmitry Rogozin, Russia has become the “strongest helicopter power in the world”. Deputy Prime Minister noted that in the recent years the country managed not only to recover its competence but significantly strengthened it.  Also, as Dmitry Rogozin said, the Russian legislation on the use of helicopters in large cities requires further liberalization because “this is the only transportation option for the police, ambulance and other rescue and operational services to any point of the city”.  Therefore, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, it is necessary to intensify the construction of additional helicopter landing sites.

Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, noted that the number of participants was increasing every year.

When welcoming the participants and guests of the exhibition, the head of Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade said, “We are witnessing the creation of new projects. This is a joint project with AgustaWestland. Not only in relation to helicopters which today have already been constructed and presented here. Right now the work is underway on a new helicopter in the category of 2.5 tons. I hope that in 2016 the helicopter will be certified and the first shipments to customers will be performed. We are witnessing the second birth of a helicopter Ka-62 created in the late 1980’s-early 90’s. Today, it is a completely different, completely new machine of the international cooperation with a modern, entirely new engine. I believe that these international connections of the Russian helicopter industry will keep growing”.

Sergey Chemezov noted the increased share of Russian helicopters in the world market. “Consolidating of helicopter construction assets within Russian Helicopters Holding has proved its worthiness,” said the head of Rostechnologies at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, “The Russian helicopter equipment remains consistently in high demand. Over the past five years, the export volume has increased by more than a third, and the production has almost quadrupled. Russian Helicopters takes a tenth of the civil and a fifth of the military segments of the world market. Today, it is a dynamic international company that manufactures new products”.

After the opening of the exhibition, Yury Slyusar, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, conferred a decoration ‘Honorary Aircraft Builder of the Russian Federation’ on Cesario Kacci and Alberto Ponti, representatives of AgustaWestland.

According to the Company,  already in June of this year the first AW139 assembled in Russia will be delivered to the client who ordered two machines. The second one will be shipped in autumn. All helicopters will be in the VIP configuration with integrated anti-icing system that allows to operate the machines under any weather conditions.

At their stand, Eurocopter presented two machines – a light helicopter EC-145 prepared for medical emergencies and casualty evacuation, as well as the company’s bestseller – an upgraded light helicopter EC-130 T2 which is by far the quietest helicopter in its class. For EC-130 T2 only, the order quantities in 2012 exceeded 70 pcs.

The key element of the Russian exposition was a joint stand of PC Rostechnologies which included the displays of such companies as UIC Oboronprom OJSC, Concern of Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) OJSC, a joint stand of Rosoboronexport and Concern of Aviation Equipment.

In addition to the above-mentioned Ka-226T, Mi-35M and Ansat, at their stand Russian Helicopters presented the layouts of all helicopters manufactured by the company at the moment.

Before the show, the company also announced that it might resume the process of remotorization of its light helicopter Mi-34. The updated machine, the dates of manufacturing of which have yet to be determined, will be manufactured at a joint Russian and Italian venture HeliVert near Moscow.

A member of Oboronprom, United Engine Construction Corporation (ODK) showcased a number of new engines, including a fifth-generation turboshaft engine VC-800V with high efficiency and low cost of production. Schwabe Holding demonstrated a survey and search system GOES-337M for for helicopters Mi-17. It provides 24-hour detection, identification, seizure and automatic tracking of ground targets.

KRET enterprises presented several models of platform-free inertial navigation systems used to determine the location of planes, missiles and ships. KRET is the main manufacturer of avionics for Ka-52, one of the most advanced military helicopters in the world.

Concern of Aviation Equipment presented more than 40 items of its development. In particular, RPE Respirator which is part of Concern of Aviation Equipment, presented an oxygen supply unit BKP-3-210P with a significantly reduced mass and fire extinguisher with the upgraded pyrohead with small dimensions.

For the first time at the exhibition, Aviaproject presented not only a full-size layout of its newest light four-seat helicopter of coaxial configuration AP-55, but also its main reduction gearbox. According to the company’s representatives, the production facilities of the venture are prepared to manufacture up to 60 machines per year. The planned flight range of AP-55 is 515 km, working load – 300 kg, static ceiling – 3,600 m.

Traditionally, the business program of the exhibition was eventful. This year, at HeliRussia-2013, 46 different presentations, master-classes, conferences and round tables were held. The key event was the 2d Interagency Research and Practice Conference – Air Ambulance and Medical Evacuation-2013, held on May 16-17. At the Conference, the issues related to ambulance aviation in Russia were discussed. The representatives of public executive bodies, organizations of medical professionals with experience in medical evacuation of patients using planes and helicopters, organizations involved in the development, manufacture and certification of aviation and medical technology delivered their speeches at the Conference.

In the framework of the Conference, there were the master classes “Work of an aviation medical team during evacuation of a patient for a long distance”, held by the professional training centre for aviation medical teams, All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine Zaschita  of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, using a helicopter Ka-226T; and “Emergency medical assistance to victims at the scene by ambulance helicopters» held by the members of Research and Practice Centre of Emergency Medical Assistance of the Healthcare Department of Moscow using a helicopter Eurocopter EC-145.

The participants were very interested in signing of an agreement in the area of airworthiness and its implementation procedures between the AR IAC and the Directorate of Civil Aviation of Peru.  The document facilitates the issuance of export certificates of airworthiness and makes a registration procedure of new Russian-made helicopters in the aviation register of the Republic easier and, actually, opens the Peru sky to Russian helicopters.

On May 17, Russian Helicopters JSC signed an agreement with PANH on joint work on expanding use of civil helicopters. The document provides for cooperation in the field of leading exploitation of new and modified types of the Russian helicopters in the production conditions, research of customers’ requirements appearance, technical and economic characteristics of commercial helicopters, peculiarities of their use and application in Russia and other countries of the world. The companies also intend to jointly evaluate the technological level and competitiveness of existing and prospective civilian rotary-wing aircraft, and to determine general direction of the modernization of the Russian civilian helicopter technique in accordance with the requirements of the aviation market. In addition, among the projects outlined in the agreement is the creation, manufacture and use of simulators for training of new Russian helicopters.

On the first day of the exhibition, AgustaWestland helicopter distributor in Russia, the company Exclases Holdings signed a new contract on supply of five helicopters AW139 of the Russian manufacture. The machines will be delivered in the VIP and transportation configuration.

Transas Aviation CJSC of Transas Group and Jet Transfer, an official representative of the American manufacturer of helicopters Bell Helicopter, signed a cooperation agreement on installation of GLONASS / GPS into helicopters Bell-407 and Bell-429. Equipping Bell helicopters with GLONASS / GPS TSS (Transas Satellite System) receiver-indicator by Transas will be carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on equipping all foreign-made aircraft operating in the Russian Federation with GLONASS by January 2017.

Also, a lot of attention of the exhibitors was paid to the international conference “Market of helicopters: realities and perspectives” organized by the Association of Helicopter Industry and the industry agency Aviaport. The conference considered the options of the Russian helicopter market from the perspective of consumers and producers of helicopter machinery with participation of representatives of the leading operators and manufacturers of helicopters. According to the moderator of the Conference, Executive Director of the industry agency Aviaport – Oleg Panteleyev, today Russian companies prefer to buy foreign light helicopters instead of the heavy domestic ones. Domestic machines of Mi-8/17 class are replaced with lighter machines of foreign production. In 2012, the Russian manufacturers summarily supplied 20 civilian machines to the domestic market, most of them were for public customers and federal departments. At the same time, 97 foreign machines were supplied to the Russian market last year. The biggest share belongs to the lightest helicopter Robinson-44: last year, in the domestic market of Russia 58 machines of this model were sold.

“The tendency of Robinson-44 domination indicates that the cost of this machine per flight hour is the lowest” noted, in turn, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Helicopter Industry, Mikhail Kazachkov, “Customers vote with their money. Robinson-44 offers the lowest prices, it is in the lead. This is a major trend: customers seek to minimize the cost of transport services. If in the future producing of helicopters the domestic companies will increase the cost per flight hour, light single-engine helicopters will prevail”.

At the research and practice conference “Avionics”, discussed were the issues related to the current condition and prospects of development of onboard equipment the role of which for modern helicopters is growing steadily.  Within the conference, a round table “Forecast of avionics development for advanced helicopters” was held. Moderators: Ganjgava Givi Ivlianovich, General Designer of Concern of Radio and Electronic Technologies OJSC, doctor of technical sciences, Professor, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation, laureate of the public awards; and Makareikin Vladimir Stepanovich, Director on Innovative Development and  Public Programs of Russian Helicopters JSC. The event was attended by representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Federal Security Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rustech PC, Russian Helicopters JSC, Concern of Radio and Electronic Technologies JSC, foreign and Russian companies in the avia and helicopter construction industry, as well as specialized mass media.

The future of the world helicopter industry, as well as practice and prospects of use of composite materials, certification and safe operation of equipment categories, use of innovative materials were discussed during the round table “Use of composite materials in rotorcraft aviation technology” organized by the technology platform “Aeronautical portability and aviation technologies”, Department of Aviation Industry of the Ministry of Industry and trade of the Russian Federation and Russian Helicopters JSC.

The key event was the opening of the first Russian heliport on May 17 on the roof of Crocus Expo.  The joint project of Russian Helicopter Systems and Russian Helicopters has a full waiting room, area of examination and registration zone. Customers and guests can use a business center with the Internet access, a bar and a seating area.

The uniqueness of the first Russian heliport lies not only in its modern equipment but also in its transport accessibility – actually, the heliport clients will be able to use all of the existing forms of transport: in the immediate vicinity of the heliport are the Moscow ring road (MKAD), Marshala Zhukova Ave. going to Novorizhskoe Shosse, Crocus-City Yacht Club, and the metro station Myakinino.

The first passengers of RHS Heliport were a famous couturier Valentin Yudashkin who arrived by helicopter at the opening from his residence, and General Director of UTair Airlines Andrey Martirosov who made an official departure from the heliport.

Traditionally, HeliRussia is not only the main European venue to demonstrate the helicopter machinery and equipment, it is also an interactive platform which is interesting not only to the helicopter industry professionals but to aviation fans as well, regardless of age and other hobbies.

The ceremonial event of the year for members of the helicopter community has become the annual award ceremony AVI. This year, the 68 candidates were nominated for AVI. The results were announced in the presence of the heads of major companies producing helicopters, as well as honourary member of the Association, Sergei Sikorsky, son of the legendary inventor of the helicopter, a Russian and an American aviator – Igor Sikorsky.

Also, at the exhibition, the results of the sixth international photo contest for the best work on the subject “Beauty of rotary-wing machines” were summed up. In total, for the period of the competition, over 600 photos were sent, 12 winners were selected in four categories: “Helicopter-Worker”, “Helicopter-Soldier”, “Helicopter-Athlete” and “Helicopter and Nature”.

The smallest visitors of the exhibition, in addition to being able to see helicopters, be photographed with the pilots on their background and even sit inside, also participated in the decoration of the “world” helicopter layout assembled in scale 1:3.

HeliRussia team has organized the largest European event in the helicopter industry at the highest level for six years. Every year, several hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors could appreciate the development of the Russian helicopter market, its prospects and trends; get acquainted with the novelties of the world helicopter industry; participate actively in the business program of the exhibition and exchange experiences with colleagues from around the world; as well as directly and without intermediaries – present their own vision of the future of the helicopter industry to producers of helicopters and helicopter equipment and relevant authorities.

The exhibition has once again reinforced Russia’s status as one of the strongest and fastest-developing world helicopter industries which was noted by almost all parties of HeliRussia-2013.

Undoubtedly, the next exhibition will be even more attractive to its participants, and its results would benefit the helicopter engineering and progress in general.

About HeliRussia 2013

The exhibition is held in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2011 #1310-r. It is organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The Title Sponsor of the event – Russian Helicopters JSC, General Sponsor – Eurocopter Vostok, Official Partner of the exhibition – Novikombank.

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