May 15 - 17
IEC “CROCUS EXPO”, Pavilion 1

The anniversary HeliRussia 2017 is exactly 50 days away

The 10th anniversary International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia is exactly 50 away. By this time, about 200 industry companies from 17 countries have signed up to showcase their products at the expo. With this result, the anniversary event has already surpassed the marks of the same period of time for previous expos. Every year, HeliRussia demonstrates new and forming helicopter industry trends and this year the expo promises to become the one of the most interest and representation.

A wide range of produced and developed helicopters is to be on display at HeliRussia 2017, both Russian and international. Among them is the light Russian Ansat helicopter, which will be shown in several versions, the Mi-38 in the new VIP configuration, as well as the Mi-171A2, already in production with deliveries being expected this year. Russian-produced Bell 407GXP to be showcased along with several models of the AW family from Leonardo Helicopters. Many Robinson Helicopter Company models, as well various Airbus Helicopters rotorcrafts that are in high demand in Russia.

Not only conventional helicopters demonstration boosts the popularity of HeliRussia. Visitors to the expo can see the daring and innovative small aircraft developments from local businesses that could build up a certain market share. The anniversary HeliRussia will present the flight prototype of the light helicopter Afalina, a new modification of the ultralight coaxial helicopter Mikron, the original Begalet, two pre-production models of the innovative project called VENTOCOPTER as well as other projects currently in various R&D stages.

With the widespread use of unmanned technologies, cooperation between helicopter and unmanned aircraft industries is growing. HeliRussia will once again present a wide range of various unmanned aerial vehicles, including Supercam, Orlan-10, Geoscan 201, Penguin C, Lehmann Aviation LA 500, a new model from Copter Express and many others. “HeliRussia Drone-racing Cup” to be held at the expo to promote the new emerging sport. In addition, special attention would be turned towards effective use of a mixed helicopters and UAVs fleet.

The business program of HeliRussia have gained tremendous respect gathering more international professionals to the expo. There will be a set of traditional to HeliRussia’s business program events, such as conferences on helicopter market, medevac aviation, unmanned systems, career-building boards, as well as some topical events on aviation and ecology, helipads development.

HeliRussia’s program continues to grow as more and more industry companies are joining the expo. HeliRussia has already become the largest industry event in Europe and North Asia. Even two days at the expo may not be enough to get a full acquaintance with its program and exhibits.

The expo will be held from 25 to 27 May in Moscow at the Crocus Expo IEC. Online registration for visitors and media accreditation are underway, registration for business program events will begin in mid-April.

HeliRussia 2017 is held in accordance with the Russian Government’s decree and is organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. The Helicopter Industry Association provides support for the event.

Contact details:

Tel. no.: + 7 (495) 926-60-66 and + 7 (495) 228-14-41


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